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Reading List

I usually find myself making lists of articles, books, book chapters and journal papers I want to read across platforms and find it hard to keep everything in sync. I thought it was best to put everything down over here.

Here you will find a list of such things that I am reading or want to read for this year along with a few all time favourite books & articles I keep going back to for one more read. This is a living webpage and I continuously keep updating it.


Feel free to shoot me an email if you have a good recommendation!

Book List

Connectedness by Marianne Krogh 

Atlas of the Invisible by James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti

The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts

Everybody loved a good draught by P Sainath.


Billy Summer by Stephen King 

Kafka by the Shore by Murakami

Journal Papers

Mapping horizontal and vertical urban densification in Denmark with Landsat time-series from 1985 to 2018 ; DOI:

Detecting and monitoring long-term landslides in urbanized areas with nighttime light data and multi-seasonal Landsat imagery across Taiwan from 1998 to 2017 ; DOI:

Monitoring and modelling spatio-temporal urban growth of Delhi using Cellular Automata and geoinformatics; DOI:

All Time Favourites

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes

Grit by Angela Duckworth

A search in secret India: A classic work of seeking a guru by Paul Brunton

Johnathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

Chaos by James Gleick

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